Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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You become a hero and save the world, but the press and the media and th paparazzi never leave you alone and screasming mobs of people follow you around all dAY and you cant get a good nights sleep

I wish i could live permanently in a 5* hotel with people to pamper me at my beck and call
Granted, but your chef is jealous of you and poisons your food on the first day. You eat it, and have a slow, painful death in which your insides slowly dissolve. (ok, this game is turning me evil. I couldn't even bear to corrupt people's wishes in the beginning)

I wish that today was my birthday!
Granted but suddenly you are thrown back in time to yesterday and everytime night comes you are thrown back again. And so you get stuck in it the time warp forever.

I wish I could direct The Last Battle
Granted, but TLB goes down in history as the worst movie ever. (ok, that was mean, but at least I didn't ix-nay you, right? I sincerely apologize. You make a great director!!)

I wish that I could pick up any instrument and automatically be able to play it really well.
Granted , but you play it so well and so often you forget how to talk and only have the languge of music which sadly no one understands

i wish that i meet skandar keynes and he fell in love with me
Granted, but he fell in love with someone else and they eloped to Guatemala

I wish i had a kitten that was really cute and nice
Granted, but that kitten has some issues involving where its "box" is at, and you have to spend the rest of your life cleaning up after it because you aren't allowed to get rid of it.

I wish I could travel the world.
Granted. You travel the world and see many fascinating sights. You gaze down at all of Paris from the top of Eiffel tower, you experience all the wonderful landscapes of New Zealand, chase Elephants in Africa, and gasp at all the snow in Thompson Ohio. Unfortunately, you do it as a flea, and can't stand what you've become, and therefore don't enjoy travelling the globe. Sorry.

I wish this really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really silly kids video was buried in the center of the earth, so it could never be watched again ever (And especially not now).
granted, but all the movies you like 'accidentally' (hmmm) get buried along with it.

I wish everyone who is on the RPG I have in my signature would come to the forum I made for it.
Granted, but other really, really, (you get the idea) are still around and you are forced to watch them for the rest of you life.

I wish that I could read really, really fast and still understand what I read.
Done, but you would quicky devour all the novels and other interesting reading matterial in the world and will only have borring instructional and tecnicle manuals to read for the rest of your life.

I wish I had a chinchila
k, but you fail everything else.

I wish that my other math teacher hadn't quit and we weren't stuck with a crazy lady who compared bounded triangles to a family of bunnies (I still don't get it)
sure, but then your old teacher swallows something radioactive and becomes even crazier than your new one!

I wish high school wasn't so dramatic! (or the people in it at least!)
It isn't dramatic but it become emotionless...

I wish everyone could just love each other and we could just have peace and love.
wish granted but when your next fight with your parents or scream down your friend throat remember your own wish and mine.....i wish for an over flowing ocean of happeninss between all human beings...and sweet love that will one day over rule this world of death and hate...
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