Aravis and Cor

and remember that years passed after they could get marry so if u imagine lots of things could happen in that period of time :D so it made sense they got married

Good thought!! It makes a lot of sense, yes. They could have had many other adventures together!
Well, they were very young when they escaped Calormen, so they could do a lot a growing up in the years to follow. Many times adolescent friends with rocky relationships grow up to love each other. Their shared adventure would have been the basis for a lifelong bond, and Aravis would have had nobody closer than Cor in Archenland.

However, I can only imagine the disappointment of the ladies of Archenland when the long-missing crown prince shows up again - along with an attractive young woman with whom he already has a close friendship!
The solution, is time-honoured. She should have married him, taken a Tarkaan as a lover and then (together with him) poisoned the old fool.
His advanced age would have meant no suspicion would have been cast.

After a suitable time she could have married her Tarkaan and have lived a fabulously opulent life.

ROFL! Please something write fanfic about that. And have Aravis meet up with King Cor (or Shasta Still A Fisherman's Son or maybe Shasta The Slave) sometime in the story!
It wasn't so bad. It was quite interesting, and romantic because he probably ended up with Aravis. I wish it had been a proper story though, not a set of drabbles.