Honor and Glory


New member
This is the semi prequel to my story Death Dealer. It takes place about twenty some years before that and it focuses on Princess Peony (who is referenced often in my Death Dealer series). This is a little different because every few chapters in this story I will interject some of the myths about the lands where all these stories take place.
Also to give credit where credit is due: The character Peony was a creation of my friend and a member of this site (Kitanna). Though the character name and bits of the personality are hers I have done all else on my own. So I hope you enjoy my second crack at a a story on here.


When our time has passed what will they say of us? Were we heroes? Or were we cowards? Were all our efforts in vain, or have they lasted through the years? Perhaps we can expect to be immortalized in the halls of our fathers. Or perhaps we will turn to dust and be forgotten. For in our lives we shaped a generation, but it seems that only the mountains and the trees will remember us. It should be our deeds that echo through memories of man, not just earth. Give not your praise to false heroes who fight petty wars, instead look to the legends of men who truly fought for good. Should you forget so valiant men, then you are doomed…
~Peony Anir of Otanna

* * * *

The Creation~

It began many ages ago. Long before man or beast roamed the lands, it was long before there was a land to speak of. It was out of the darkness that Father Sky and Mother Earth formed in union. The world was created from their love, but still it was dry and barren.

But there was hope when from the union of Earth and Sky that Water and Fire were born. They were twins who took on the form they would one day give to man. York was first, the high king of water, he would long be held by the people as the highest immortal to walk on earth. Following him was his sister, Lothen, high queen of fire. She was equally as powerful and revered as her brother.

Together they created seas and mountains, but nothing would grow on their land. For a tree cannot bloom properly on a high mountain or under a deep sea. So the twins begged for help from their parents. They asked for others to help make a place for man to live.

One day as Lothen sat alone on one of her mountains a strange wisp of cloud floated toward her. She watched in wonder as the cloud took a shape. It was the shape of a woman. She floated to Lothen’s side and took final shape as a living and breathing being. She declared her name was Sonya, high queen of air.

With Sonya’s help grasses sprang up in what was once desert. And the soil was fertile in those areas. Still something was lacking in their land. There was no cover for animals or for man to hide from unfriendly eyes.

York, Lothen, and Sonya sat together in a grassy plain thinking how to make cover for man. As they sat and talked from the ground sprang a young man. He declared Pim was his name and the high king of the earth he would be. He created trees and made large forests were man could hide as could animals. So from then on they were the four mightiest of immortals, the elements.
The four set to work on animals and men, but they failed. First they tried to make them from stone, heavy and slow they were. Next from grass, but they were easily swayed and destroyed. Finally they tried clay, but soft man was. Disappointed though they were the four continued to try, it was their duty to bring forth men.

Finally York fell to his knees and prayed to his parents to help. It seemed Earth and Sky did not hear, but they had and they formed a plan. One day the Lady Artemis appeared before the four. No queen was she, but a pleasant immortal none the less.

She made a man and a woman figure from clay and then took up a dagger. She drew the blade across her hand and let one drop of blood fall onto each of the figures. Thus man was born and time began. She did the same for all the animals. It was said ever after that Artemis was the Mother of all living things and rightly so.

Many men were spawned and the immortals walked among them. And man in his gratitude made a great hall for them to dwell in. It was built deep in the northern most forest of the country that would come to be known as Otanna. The area became known as the Realm and all immortals dwelled there.

With the beginning of time and the appearance of man so too did the Angels and Fairies begin to appear. Fair immortal beings they were, though of a much lesser kind then the first five. The Angels were charged with the care of man and the Angel Faith was their leader. The Fairies cared little for man and concerned themselves with nature and animals. All dwelled in the Realm.

Four kingdoms were formed around the Realm. Mutar, a land in the east, warriors dwelled there. They were just people, but deadly when provoked. Sera was north of Mutar and surrounded by mountains and rivers. The people were caring and helpful to their neighboring countries. Archon was west of Mutar. It was a place of peace where farmers and pleasant kings dwelled. And Otanna, the beast masters, who are in the north-west of Mutar. Intelligent and brave are the people who dwell there. Together the four kingdoms shared a common border by the White River and in times of peace they traded with one another.

It was now that York wedded Sonya and Pim married a mortal woman who bore him the twins Ciro and Kamaria, the sun and the moon. Lothen remained unmarried and the virgin queen. And Artemis left the Realm to live among her animals in the forest of Hazqu on the border of Mutar and the White River.

So happy was man at all that had been given him he forged for the immortals weapons. For York a mighty sword, for Pim a great axe, for Lothen a golden bow and quiver, and for Sonya a brilliant dagger. York placed upon the weapons great enchantments so that none could ever been broken. Artemis, though honored, turned down man’s weapons and made her own silver bow from her favorite tree.

But peace could not last. Man was not wholly good at heart. He was made to be less then the immortals so hearts could be turned black. Lesser Angels saw this and strayed from their duty to protect man. Heset the first fallen Angel became the leader of the Demons and from him six other great and terrible Demons were spawned. They became vicious demons and filled men with greed and jealously.

Heset became the demon Envy and he started the first war. He was jealous of Pim’s lovely, mortal wife, so while she bathed he killed her. Pim led a host against the demons, but not all were captured. The lesser demons escaped the immortals, but their leaders were locked away for centuries.

With the death of his wife, Pim decided to leave earth and join Mother Earth and Father Sky. Shortly after the others followed, all save for Artemis; she would not leave her forest. Before departing for the heavens York thrust his great sword into a great stone just before the gates of the Realm. On the blade he inscribed “Purity and Courage” and declared anyone who could pull the sword from the stone would be able to call the immortals to their aid. And with that he departed.

The Angels and Fairies lingered many ages longer, but they too would leave man to his wickedness and only intervene with those who truly deserved it. But one day evil would consume all and those who should have been listened to would be killed, forever sealing man’s fate…
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Thief! I mean...
I see you've changed the beginning, not by a lot though. Kind of conflicted which prologue I like more. Same concept, but different wording.
You've been tight-lipped on this project, hopefully you'll write fast so I know how this one goes.
Very interesting myth. Reading different fantasy stories i've heard many versions; and while this one wasn't the best, it was pretty good.
There is more to the prolouge?...
Prologue (cont.)

Each day she wished for death, but death would not come. Not until the sorceress granted it would death take her and the sorceress would never grants it.

She was chained to the wall of the sorceress’s cottage, shaking from a cold that dwelled deep within her bones. It was not supposed to be like this. The sorceress had said she would use her gift, her power for good. The woman chained to the wall wondered when her former friend and mentor had lost sight of her true goal. When had the madness taken hold?

The door opened. She was back, she had done it. The sorceress had found who she was looking for. The figure chained to the wall knew it; she didn’t need to see the proof. She felt it. The sorceress had found the only man alive who could call back spirits.

The sorceress had brought back a man. And he spoke as the sorceress closed the door to her cottage. “Mutar is under our spell, my dear. Sera will soon fall to us as well. Once the king of Sera is made to see our way, then we can head west, over the White River into Archon. Then when they fall, into Otanna.”

At the sound of her homeland the chained figure looked up, “Black spells do…do not work…in Archon…” she groaned, each word drained her strength.

The man slapped her hard. The woman looked into his cold, black eyes. “Silence, puppet! You are only here by our kindness.”

“Keep your filthy mouth shut,” the sorceress said. “You know nothing of our powers.”

“I know…allies…in the…west…will aid…Archon…”

The sorceress laughed and it cut through the woman’s heart. “Those fools in the Sun Kingdom? With their young king and false heroes? Or maybe you still believe that Otanna will honor the vows and alliances of old? That those weaklings who hide behind their beasts can save Archon.”

“There is nothing to hold back the tide now!” The man picked up a spell book and smiled wickedly. “Soon we will call the demon Heset back to earth. And through him and his power we shall take control of the land. All we need is a vessel.”

The man and sorceress laughed as the chained figure cried.
Chapter One

King Pedar was not a cruel man. Quite the opposite in fact. He was kind and loved his subjects as he loved his three children. However each time Maxwell had to face him he felt intimidated.

Maxwell was the king’s youngest advisor and though Pedar respected him, he still feared confronting the king with concerns Pedar did not share. Today would be an especially touchy subject, for it pertained to Princess Peony, Pedar’s only daughter.

“Maxwell?” Pedar spoke softly, looking at him from the throne. Queen Hadara sat beside him, cold as ever.

“Sire, if I may speak for my fellow advisors as well as myself…” Pedar made no move to stop him. Maxwell continued. “Your youngest brother’s retirement as leader of the rangers was unfortunate, though not surprising, but we feel there was folly in your decision to have the princess replace him.”

Peony, like many women in Otanna had been trained to fight as well as any man. The idea behind shield maidens was that in times of war the men could got o battle knowing their wives and daughters were safe. However no woman had ever risen to lead a faction of the king’s army before.

The king held control of the knights, his eldest son led the cavalry, the next son controlled the foot soldiers and archers, while the youngest son or one of the king’s brothers headed the Rangers. Though the rangers were often viewed as useless, it still put Pedar’s advisors on edge that the king had placed a woman at their head.

It was not that they disliked the princess, but they felt her unfit for the role. And they knew Hadara felt the same. The queen did not want her daughter running off to live like a man in the wilderness. Still Pedar stood by his choice.

“Others have voiced similar concerns.” As Pedar spoke, Hadara shot him an icy glare. “But I believe Peony is more than capable to lead the rangers. And others agree.”

Pedar referred to Pekar, his eldest, and Pearce, Peony’s twin. Both stood firmly behind their father. That did not come as much of a surprise. After all the siblings were as close as anyone could be. Especially Pearce and Peony. Their bond was completely unbreakable.

“But placing a woman at the head has never been done before.”

“Yes, however, we have had shield maidens for generations and some have proven better than the men. Put some faith in your princess. She will prove herself.”

Maxwell sighed. The king was still unmovable on the subject. The advisors would have to let the issue drop for the time being.

“Yes, your Highness.” Maxwell bowed. He turned slowly and walked through the hall to the door.

As he exited Pedar looked to his wife. “Are you still sore with me?”

“Your choice is folly,” she snapped and left Pedar alone with the two door guards.

“And what do my sons think?”

The two guards moved out of attention and walked toward the king. The taller of the two removed his helmet to reveal his neatly trimmed, fiery red hair.

“Peony is just going to have to prove her worth,” Pearce said.

Pekar removed his helmet and his shoulder length strawberry blond hair fell from beneath it.

“Give it time, Father. Your advisors love Peony and soon they will understand why you put her in charge of the rangers. Mother will too.”

Pedar nodded, “You are probably right. I just hope they see her worth soon.”

* * * *
Interesting. A question: is there any way you could make some sort of map? So many names/places can get a bit confusing. just something simple really, just the country, kingdom, and whoever rules it. It would be greatly appreciated.
I have a map I've been meaning to scan. I'm hoping to do it tomorrow night, after I locate my wayward map.
Chapter One (cont.)

The other advisors crowded around Maxwell. They listened as he relied Pedar’s final decision to them.

“Peony’s place is here, not out in the wilderness.” One named Hal said.

The oldest advisor stepped forward. “Why does this bother all of you so? Pedar’s judgment has never let us down. And we have all seen Peony in the practice ring. Give her time and then pass your judgments.”

The other advisors fell silent as Gamle spoke. They all still felt the same, but the subject was now closed. No one dared an argument with Gamle on the matter. The advisors filtered away, leaving Maxwell and Gamle alone.

“Do you really have faith in the princess, Gamle?”

“Yes, but I do see the odds stacked against her. But the rangers see very little action. She will do fine.”

Maxwell nodded, hoping he was right.


The burning needle had driven through the flesh and she had bitten back the pain. Looking weak was not an option. A few droplets of blood had trickled down her skin, but not many. A few drops of freezing water had been dropped to cease the small flow of blood. Luckily the flaming hot needle had taken care to keep the blood from the wound. Peony was thankful not to have excessive bleeding.

When the needle hole was ready the silver ring had been inserted into her ear. Three days after the rangers had pierced Peony’s cartilage it still sting a good deal. But the earring now hung with pride from the princess’s ear.

Few saw the Tantarim Rangers of Otanna as an effective fighting force. Still those in the ranger position took pride in the fact and made sure others saw their pride. So they pierced the cartilage of their left ear and bore a silver ring to show everyone who they were.

Peony was proud to be the first first woman in the rangers’ history. And she was proud to wear the ring in her ear. She just wished the pain would subside. The princess woke each morning to the stingy pain and new layers of crust on her piercing.

Peony splashed cold water from the stream on her face and gingerly touched the ring.

“You are lucky it is not infected,” Peony looked over her shoulder to see Captain Gavin.

“It certainly feels as though it is infected,” she said.

“The pain will subside soon enough and you’ll forget you even wear the ring.”

Gavin was near Pekar’s age, but somehow he seemed older. He was a blond haired man with deep brown eyes and a neatly trimmed beard. Peony had a great deal of respect for Gavin. He was a talented rider, but had left the calavry to watch over his youngest brother, a ranger. Peony looked at him with almost as much respect as she did for her father.

“Ready for breakfast? The hunting party came early this morning with a few fattened rabbits.”

Peony nodded and walked with Gavin to the “hill” where the rangers lived. To the outside world it looked like any of the hills in the forest. Even a few saplings managed to grow on it, but it was no hill. The rangers had built a large house in a clearing. It had low ceilings on the sides, but raised up in the center. They covered it with dirt and grew grass over it and even planted a few saplings. Every few years the saplings were moved and new ones put in their places. There were hundreds of houses around the forest holding the rangers. The horses of the rangers were able to roam free, but the animals were well trained and kept within a few miles.

Nearly twenty rangers lived in one house, it was often a tight squeeze, but no one complained because the hill houses were safe from attackers. The doors were secret and all fires were built outside. The hills had been constructed decades ago before King Pedar was even born. And even now no one outside the king’s family and the rangers knew of their existence. They were safe havens.

Peony crawled through the secret door of the hill, with Gavin close behind. Inside all the rangers, except those on duty, were gathered and sitting around eating their breakfast. The few wolves kept for hunting, tracking, and fighting were curled up, having finished their own hunt earlier.

Peony sat between the oldest of the rangers, her advisor, and Gavin. Having an aid in the most trusted men in the rangers helped Peony adjust to being their new leader.
Good addition. Something i've noted is you have a tendancy to use the same expression twice. 'tiny droplets of blood,' 'tiny droplets of freezing water'. It sort of upsets to flow of things because you think you just read that. *shrugs*
just an opinion, though.
Chapter Two

The morning dew had settled on the ground and the leaves. The forest near the White River seemed strangely silent as the sun rose up over the horizon. The Tantarim Rangers moved about in small groups, scouting the borders for any signs of danger.

Though a strange air had settled over the wood, there was no immeidate danger lurking. Peony resisted the urge to shift in her hiding spot. She lay flat on upon a thick tree branch, looking down upon the only road to lead through the forest. In the trees surrounding her four other rangers were perched. The five had not moved for nearly two hours. A cramp was developing in Peony’s legs.

Finally a soft bird call broke through the silence. Peony relaxed. Her counterparts began climbing from their trees. She did the same. Gavin and three other rangers joined those who had been in the trees.

“Nothing to report, Captain?” Peony asked Gavin.

“Nay, nothing seems to be moving this morning. Not even a rabbit crossed our path.”

“Something is a foot,” the ranger, Joshua, said. “Usually the animals are all in chaos, preparing for mating season. It is not like them to be so silent.”

Peony nodded, “I agree, but what force could possibly silence all the animals? Not even the birds sing.”

“It warrants our looking into, that is for sure.” Gavin said.

“Then Captain, I suggest we split into pairs, more land will be covered that way. Joshua, you coem wth me. The rest of you, be far more alert than usual. I fear anything that could silence an entire wood. If you need help do not hesitate to cry for it.” Peony then put everyone into pairs and finished her instructions.

Peony whistled and her wolf, Dakha, came running to her side. The grey beast followed obdeiantly as the two rangers headed deeper into the forest.

* * * *

Two great wolves watched the princess with interest. Her fiery red hair was tucked away under her green hood to make herself less noticeable. However a few strands had managed to curl out.

She is the one they want? One wolf looked to his counterpart.

Yes, the female growled. They continued to watch.
Chapter Two (cont.)

Peony saw, from the corner of her eye, two large wolves. She turned to get a better look. They were sitting among the trees, but they did not seem to care if they were concealed or not.

One was a huge, white male who looked as though he was unable to lose his winter coat. The other was a sleek black female who was only slightly smaller than her companion. Peony stopped a moment to observe them. At her knees Dakha growled softly.

“Strange to see wolves out without a pack in these woods.” Joshua said.

“Stranger to see two rogue wolves out together,” Peony commented. “What are they still here for when all else appears to have fled?”

Joshua shrugged. Everything was silent and hiding, yet two wolves sat in view of passersby. Dakha barked suddenly and wagged her tail.

Peony watched the other two to see how they reacted. The male’s ears perked up and he rose, trotting forward a few feet. The female stayed where she was, but Peony saw her tail beat against the ground. Dakha danced about, clearly anxious to interact with the two.

Dakha was tamer than many of the wolves the ranger’s kept, so she waited for a command from the princess. “Free,” Peony said and snapped her fingers. Dakha was off in a flash.

The two wolves welcomed Dakha as though the three were in a pack together. Peony had never seen Dakha act in such a way toward wolves outside her own pack. She nuzzled the male and then moved onto the female. The two nuzzled Dakha as well and licked her snout.

The princess wanted to move closer, but she worried that her movement would either lead the wolves to run or attack. She sense a great deal of fight or flight in them.

“We have lingered too long,” Joshua suddenly said.

Peony whistled and Dakha left the two. She whimpered a bit as she returned, clearly unhappy about leaving. Peony scratched her behind the ears and Dakha lightened a bit. So the three started their scouting once more.
Very good Nikia.
Those wolves are awesome...
I like the beginning of their world--it was fascinating(sp?)
Just one question: Did I detect shades of King Arthur in York's descion to leave a sword in the stone?
Just one question: Did I detect shades of King Arthur in York's descion to leave a sword in the stone?
Indeed you did. I was in the midst of reading a million different myths when I first wrote it, so as it goes on you'll likely see more variations on different famous myths.
Chapter Two (cont.)

The rangers headed through the woods and emerged near the banks of the White River. As Peony stepped out of the trees a strange feeling came over her. To her it seemed as though a great deal of tension had built up around the river.

She glanced across and looked to the banks of Sera. There was no movement on that side of the river either. Joshua looked at her and nodded, understanding she felt a strange air as well. Whatever was disturbing the wilderness had some sort of root near the White River.

Something splashed into the water just south of them. Not far down the bank a man and woman struggled in the mud. The man was waist deep in the water, attempting to get out. Peony had no doubt his boots were lodged in the thick mud. She had been in that situation before.

The rangers moved swiftly to the man and the woman’s aid. Peony jumped onto a tree stump to avoid becoming entangled in the mud herself.

“Do not struggle,” she commanded the man, “You will only find yourself sinking deeper.”

Peony removed her hooded cloak and threw part of it down for the man. He took hold. Joshua came to Peony’s side and the two pulled. The man came up out of the water with mud oozing all the way down from his knees. He seemed to have lost a boot in the river.

Peony now looked hard at the two. The man was large and clearly muscular. He had shoulder length black hair, with a drastic widow’s peak. His nose was pointed and cheeks sunken. Black lay bags lay under his frightening blue eyes. The woman had contrasting blond hair that she had pulled back in a bun. She was disturbingly skinny and reminded the princess of a skeleton. Her eyes were dark, almost black, but her skin was a fine ivory. Peony did not like the look or feel of either.

“Thank you for saving him!” The woman gushed, placing a hand over Peony’s. An icy sensation took her hand. The feeling was so uncomfortable that Peony politely withdrew her hand from the woman’s.

“We were just doing our duty,” Joshua said.

“You must be rangers,” The man smiled, showing perfect teeth. he bowed as he handed Peony her cloak.

“Much has been said of your band in Mutar.”

“You are from Mutar?” Joshua asked, “What brings you so far north to Otanna?”

“We were just traveling up river on a holiday of sorts.”

Peony nodded, “Well be more careful. The banks here can be treacherous.”

“Thank you for all your help.” The pair moved south, back down the river.

Peony felt ill at ease as they moved on. Something was not right with the two.