
how can you say that? *pats cottage cheese* she didn't mean it like that, darling. it appears some evil cheese did her wrong in her youth and said he was cottage cheese, and now she hates all cottage cheese, but it's not true. don't worry, cottage cheese, you're safe with me. *eats*
Yes, exactly. Except it tastes much better straight, than when you mix it with noodles and all that stuff.

i don't even like it with noodles. i don't like any sauce in more than minimal amounts.
hmm. now, does this change anything about me chasing the cw? i guess not. *explodes oly's head and sprints ahead, trying to get to the cw before he does*
*runs along without a head* *misses CW* *comes back* *grabs something and runs with it*

MF: Put me down, you big oaf!
Body: *doesn't hear because its ears were on the head that MF exploded*
MF: Oh, great. *beats morse code on body's chest, telling it to put her down*
Body: *doesn't understand morse code*
MF: yanks on arm, finally getting it to let go*
Body: *was running along the edge of a cliff*
MF: Oops. *falls*
how do the cliffs do it? appearing out of the blue like that...
*is wondering while falling*

*is unexpectedly saved by sturnidae but doesn't know this*

mf: oh! a bird! and what's your name?
sturnidae: i'm not a bird, silly. i'm superman. and you go apologize to the poor headless man right now. i saw everything!
mf: :eek: okay... are you taking me to him?
sturnidae: i guess you can handle the last few miles yourself. it's straight down there *lets go of mf*
mf: falling again............
you killed the eggs!!! chaaaaaaaaarge!

old bearded man: sure, how small do you need it?
mf: huh?
old bearded man: let's see... i could give you two fivers or five two-pound-pieces.
mf: no, no, charge, not change.
old bearded man: oh, i see. terribly sorry. my hearing aid must be out of order again. so sorry. *takes machete and charges*
mf: *shakes head and walks away* old bearded men these days...