The Duffer Farm

Sushi: *wonders how the cheese got legs to ram with* *decides to write an opera on cheese*
Mr. Soap: *singing* Ohhhhhh, home on the range, where the cheese and the cantaloupe play! Where seldom is heard an encouraging word, and the skies are so cloudy all day!

Pig of Doom: Mr. Soap, you're crazy.

Mr. Soap: Thou art mistaken. Because I am a multi-billionaire, I am allowed to be 'eccentric'. Forsooth! Be politically correct, my friend.

Pig of Doom: I've never been awfully concerned with political correctness. I doomify people, for goodness' sake!
Sushi: *writes* Eccentric sheep disturb mine heart. No more
Eccentric sheep impart. Forsooth, the door--er, will write the rest later.

Sushi: *writes* Eccentric sheep disturb mine heart. No more
Eccentric sheep impart. Forsooth, the door--er, will write the rest later.

Oh, dear. Not another one. *flips through ethics textbook* There's gotta be somethin' in here about how unethical it is to write so many operas...

Yes, I am southern, I guess. I am originally from Buffalo, New York, but my owner (Sopespian) lives a very southern way of life, though he is not in the South at present.
Sushi: *writes* He told me he was Swiss...does this mean that the ethics professor lied? *narrows eyes* *lowers horns*
Sushi: *narrows eyes* *writes* I suppose I am the exception, then. I was born in Turtle Creek, a place which has inspired many operas. Mostly by me.

You might want to look into that. The only thing to come from Turtle Creek is turtles. Buffaloes always come from Buffalo. Either you're a strange-looking turtle or you don't know where you were born.
Sushi: *rams Toodles with horns* *writes* In case you were wondering, no, turtles cannot do that. And if you insult Turtle Creek again, I shall endeavor to make it fatal.
Pig of Doom: *flies in circles over the conversing buffalo*

*pounces upon Sushi*

Pig of Doom: DOOMIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pounces on and doomifies grasshopper*

*sighs* It's not fun, not being able to doomify bigger animals. I should never have signed that contract.

Mr. Soap: Thou canst always leave the farm and journey out into faraway lands of which thou hast not made binding agreements.

Pig of Doom: Good idea. *flies off*
Sushi: *watches Pig of Doom fly away* *writes* Question--what exactly happens when the Pig "doomifies" something? The grasshopper is still hopping...or is that one of Toodles' charity projects?
Pig of Doom: Doom was not his intention: my friend meant to frighten you. Remember, he hast signed a contract, promising for that a monthly fee, he shalt not doomify anyone here on this farm.