Write a Note to the Person Above You III

Dear Glenburne,

You're right. Family is thicker than water.

By the way, did you know that the Insane Asylum has a whole wing dedicated to bad bosses? It's the "Department of Inconvenient Superiors (DIS)" on the 4th floor of the south wing. It's pretty crowded but you could try to sign yours up there.

Good luck!
Dear Freckles,

That's a little cruel, don't you think? To the inmates, I mean.

What is more disgusting is the way a few--though by no means the majority, thank God--of the employees seem perfectly willing to support her, regardless of the awful things she did to people they were once friendly with.

A little original sin, anyone? We can put some milk in and steam it up.

Anyway...who else is in DIS? Has Otto von Bismarck made it in yet?

Dear GG,

Well, my family kept teasing me about my (probably psychopathic) boss at a time when I was feeling physically sick from anxiety.... Granted, they didn't know how bad I was feeling, but my 16-year-old brother, at least, would not cared, because he thinks that anyone who is upset is weak.

I am much more comfortable joking about the situation now. They left me no choice. Aren't relatives wonderful?

I'll assume that yours have gotten you over your Cetaphobia, so.... *whalesplats*


Dear Glen,

In response to this earlier message, no they have not. Neither has my young friend's attempts to cure me of my ichthyphobia through what she calls "Fish therapy" made any difference in my life.

Dear GG,

You can't just reply to any note you choose! There are no rules in this game but if there were, I feel sure your reckless actions would have earned you forty lashes and no supper.

On a different note (hehe), how do you feel about Finding Nemo?

Embrace rules and regulations.
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Dear Freckles,

I am living in a world with a lot of rules and regulations, and I am breaking tons of them. Better still, this time my mother approves.

Dear Freckles,

I have told her that before--she likes organic food and frequently has problems with authority. The thing is, though, her authority problems usually happen because she is more into tradition and good manners than the authorities in her life (who have tended to stink). I still call her a hippie when I feel like it, though.

Dear Glen,

The fact is, most of our parents were hippies in some way. They just happened to live in that era.

Dear GG,

That's not a mindset I would support. If I remember correctly, 1 Thess 5:21 says, Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good, don't be hippies.

Dear Freckles,

No, you're getting things mixed up. I Thessalonians 5:21 says, "Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good, do lots of geometry." This is why Martin Luther threw out the book of I Thessalonians and replaced it with II Melanchthon. Luther had a problem with numbers. That's why there is no I Melanchthon.

Dear Glen,

He could have left out I Melanchthon for a number of reasons. Personally, I believe that he knew the sequel is always better, so why bother with the first book?

He was a smart cookie, that Martin Luther. Seriously, though, my favorite quote from him is this: "From you, my dear Erasmus, let me obtain this request, that just as I bear with your ignorance in these matters, so you in turn will bear with my lack of eloquence." Genius.

Dear Freckles,

Since when are sequels better? They are nearly always worse. And it's not as though there were tons of sequels floating around sixteenth century Germany. There were benefits to living in an age when the printing press had just been invented.

Dear Freckles,

1. New printing presses mean fewer books being published, and that they were mostly nonfiction--religious, academic or polemical works.
2. Therefore, there was no Twilight.
3. Or paranormal romances in general.
4. There were very few romances, period.
5. There were no postmodern type authors intentionally printing nonsense in order to confuse and torture people.
6. Fewer sequels mean fewer poorly written sequels. And none of J.K. Rowling's attempts to write mystery novels.
7. If your printer did a bad job, you would know who he was and could hunt him down.
8. Books were not written to satisfy the tired reader.
9. People got more excited about books because they were more expensive.
10. Woodcuts are cool.

Is that sufficient?

Dear Freckles,

Wherever did you get the idea that I am nice?

Ugh, people these days.

Dearest Glen,

People have been thinking I was nice my whole life I'm always confused by it. I suppose they could mean the old english definition... in which case I may need to enact revenge.

Excuse me, I must go reevaluate some things.

Nicely yours,
Dear GG,

Yes, people seem to have that opinion of me, too. Or they initially think that I am "sweet," which is inaccurate as well as slightly insulting.

So, GG...how did your reevaluation go? Is anything exciting going to happen? And can you have someone record it so I can watch?

Dear Glen,

First opinions can be remedied, whatever psychology says. Even so, it's good to bring a pike to help psychology out.

And since we're collecting things people have called us, one of my students told me that I was "heavy". It turned out he meant strict.

Anyway, GG, feel free to answer Göen's post. She has pressing questions and can't wait to watch your murder trial.

Dear Freckles,

Since when is Göen the German version of Glen? I demand that you take a heavier attitude toward translation.
