Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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granted it does, but since it revolves around you are so huge that you are as big as a planet and eventally a giant astroid crashes into ur head and you die

I wish that i ended up in Annas dressing room like rogue said
granted but she thinks your a pervert for going into her dressing room so she gets william and skandar to chase after you and beat you to a pulp!

I wish for *Is obsessed with Will* to confess
*rolls eyes* Granted but then somebody tells her you were kissing another have broken her heart forever and she never forgives you! There happy?

I wish that the goats would eat pickles
Reepicheepfan said:
I wish that the goats would eat pickles

With a sigh, The Cynical Wish Fairy returns from her sojourn as a pirate, and gets back to doing what she loves best. (She rubs her hands in anticipation and cackles in fiendish glee...) Granted, the goats eat pickles. And they eat pickles. And they eat pickles. And they....(Well, you get the picture) Finally the goats eat so many pickles that they've eaten up every pickle in the world. Then they sit around, with huge, bulging bellies, baaing contentedly to themselves. The fast food people are a bit unhappy with them, and Reepicheepfan, and The Cynical wish Fiary, but no one cares that much. And the people for the prevention of cruelty to Cucumbers (Headed by Phil Vischer, head of Big Idea, Veggie Tales productions) are ecstatic. In fact, it look like The Cynical Wish Fairy has lost her touch ever since she started cavorting with the pirates. But one day Reepicheepfan goes up to pet one of the the happy, fat, contented, fat, fuzzy, fat goats. As she's reaching down to pat it on the belly it suddenly explodes. And as one goat goes, so go the others. All over the world, all the pickle filled goats suddenly expplode, belatedly realizing that eating that many pickles is too much for even a goat's stomach. Eventually the people of the world are able to clean up the mess, but Reepicheepfan is not able to enjoy it, since being so close to an exploding goat traumatized her for life.

I wish I had been online for the last Knight and Pirate battle.
granted, but i duct-taped you hands to your head, and you couldnt type to save your life!!! MUAHA.

i wish for my boyfriend to not have to go to Memphis.
Granted, he doesn't go to memphis. He goes to the farthest point from the earth ever possiable (hint, Ever possiable). He uses a wormhole to get to another demension and as soon as he gets there you try to follow and as you have one foot inside the wormhole to follow it closes, not only have you lost your boyfriend but also your leg.

I wish that Kayla (and many others) would stop talking to me like we are couples.
Thedryadhobbit said:
With a sigh, The Cynical Wish Fairy returns from her sojourn as a pirate, and gets back to doing what she loves best. (She rubs her hands in anticipation and cackles in fiendish glee...) Granted, the goats eat pickles. And they eat pickles. And they eat pickles. And they....(Well, you get the picture) Finally the goats eat so many pickles that they've eaten up every pickle in the world. Then they sit around, with huge, bulging bellies, baaing contentedly to themselves. The fast food people are a bit unhappy with them, and Reepicheepfan, and The Cynical wish Fiary, but no one cares that much. And the people for the prevention of cruelty to Cucumbers (Headed by Phil Vischer, head of Big Idea, Veggie Tales productions) are ecstatic. In fact, it look like The Cynical Wish Fairy has lost her touch ever since she started cavorting with the pirates. But one day Reepicheepfan goes up to pet one of the the happy, fat, contented, fat, fuzzy, fat goats. As she's reaching down to pat it on the belly it suddenly explodes. And as one goat goes, so go the others. All over the world, all the pickle filled goats suddenly expplode, belatedly realizing that eating that many pickles is too much for even a goat's stomach. Eventually the people of the world are able to clean up the mess, but Reepicheepfan is not able to enjoy it, since being so close to an exploding goat traumatized her for life.

as to TheMachinists post..they stop talking to you like you guys are couples but then everybody stops talking to you all together and you are miserable!

I wish that people would leave me alone about Freddy!
skandar_hh10 said:
Granted, but u r suck w/ a dream of him every full moon

wish i could my birthday everyday! :rolleyes:
granted but since you have a birthday everyday everyone you invited get sick of comming to your party and go home. and you eat so much cake you get fat and never have a party ever again.

i wish that no one can corrupt my wish and that skander would see me on the magazine in one of my modeling photos and visit me!
granted, he does just that, but... (i gave you what you want now for the pain) you got your wish, he saw you on there but he hates modles, he only visted you to tell you he hates your guts. ooooooo

i wish that ♥Anna♥ would love me and we lived for as long as we want and we became famous together and we got mariied *looks stoopid*
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Charlie♥Skandar said:
Granted but u saw the real side of her and fell out of luv with her!!

I wish i didn't hav 2 go 2 skool ever agen!!!
granted but U need skool or u will burn

I wish Thomas Could get back on narniafans
[/QUOTE]I wish Thomas Could get back on narniafans[/QUOTE]

Granted but he will be on at one time of day and you will be on at other times and you will never know that he is back so you will think forever that he is not back on.

I wish I could meet my "sister" (friend that I refer to as sister) on here sometime
On second thought I wish I could get on here more often but all my brothers and sisters use this computer (I have six)
granted but your six computers explode evry time u post blasting u into the NEVERWORLD

I wish for The dancing lawn (aka Justin) to take notice of me and tlk to me
granted but he turns out to be a snurd bucket (why dont you just try PMing him...whats wrong with you starting the conversation)

I wish that I could accidently hurt the boys and then they would go home and never come back!
skandar_hh10 said:
Granted, but u r suck w/ a dream of him every full moon
I don't really mind a dream of him every full moon....I don't like him or nothing but a dream is better than constantly "so you and freddy kissed lately?" and I'm like "nooooooooooo because we don't even talk to each other! DUH!"
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