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According to the Internet, this is a more accurate rendering of the feasting/subduing phrase: Laeti vescimur nos subacturis.

Google Translate does not recognize "subacturis" as a Latin word. I'm not sure what to do about that.

Freckles, stop pitying your heart. It will be fine, trust me, as long as it doesn't notice people feeling sorry for it. Your heart is an attention hog.
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According to the Internet, this is a more accurate rendering of the feasting/subduing phrase: Laeti vescimur nos subacturis.

Handy phrase, that. I should memorize it in case I get drunk at a tattoo parlor.

Glenbinnacle said:
Google Translate does not recognize "subacturis" as a Latin word. I'm not sure what to do about that.

Shoot Google Translate. Aim for the heart.

Glenblossom said:
Freckles, stop pitying your heart. It will be fine, trust me, as long as it doesn't notice people feeling sorry for it. Your heart is an attention hog.

Heart: But I'm so sad! Look: :(
Considering that your heart wants to shoot out the heart of Google Translate, my sympathy is limited. And please, please do not get drunk in a tattoo parlor. Or go there when you are depressed or psychotic, either.
1. Steal any trousers he failed to take with him and give them to the DLF. I can get into the mod lounge legally *brief glare at Freckles* and would be happy to drop any and all trousers behind the fridge.

2. Issue a warrant for WS's arrest, hold a trial in his absence, convict him, and seize him for a sentencing hearing as soon as he returns. Capital punishment is advised.
How many times do I have to tell you that his relatives are the real problem? And I can drop WS's trousers with a long wire hook. The DLF won't even notice me if he has the trousers to keep him company.
Sorry, the DLF has them, and anyway it's time for your sentencing hearing. You've been convicted of seventy-three counts of a very serious crime, which it would not be appropriate to go into details about. Are there any factors this court should take into consideration before it determines the method of your execution?
You just confessed to having criminal delusions. The judge will now recess to the mod lounge to consider your [fatal] punishment.
No. And stop using the mod lounge hotline. I'm drinking hot chocolate and watching Father Brown reruns. Because I want your death to be interesting. Now leave me in peace so I can plot it out properly.