Write a note to the person above you II

Dear GG,

I've only been on one other, but the main age-range for that was 8-12, though there were plenty of older people too. Still, the majority of the members were very immature. -.- (I was too, just not in the same way. ;))

Dear D

I've been on ones where the majority of people are older and obnoxious. ;)

and I believe I'll be getting off now. Goodnight, dearie!

Dear GG,

And I love when Flynn says, "Have I ever told you I have a thing for brunettes?" :D His last 'smoldering' comment. :p

Dear D

No, I think his last narrative line would be that. ;)


It's snowing

and it's been snowing

for like forever

Dear GG,

Oh, that's right. I'll have to remind my dad; he was the one who initially made that statement about the 'last smoldering comment'.

I'm evil. I didn't credit it to him; I just took credit for it. And now I'm blaming him. :p
