
Personally, I'm committed to commitment.

Not the abstract thing...the...other abstract thing.

Has to do with being put in an asylum. You know.

Come to think about it, the first kind of commitment isn't really abstract, is it?

Abstract. Ab...stract. Abs...tract. A good word.
Smithereens. (The dictionary says that there's no such thing as a "smithereen", which leads me to wonder how one can exist without the other;)).
Finity sounds like one of those really hip names for children that die out within five years.

The Finite.... Does it eat children?
Then I suppose we ought to embrace it, and provide it with flood insurance. Sadly, flood insurance only covers certain kinds of floods. There is no insurance if your house is accidentally flooded with cheese whiz.
You always did strike me as the crooked insurance salesman type...I'm calling the Better Business Bureau. You probably don't even have a license.