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  1. G

    Where can I buy a General Otmin statue ?

    Does anybody know a collectables website where I can order a General Otmin statue from WETA ?
  2. G

    Otmin Fan Club -- would anyone like to join ?

    I'm thinking of starting a General Otmin fanclub for our favorite minotaur . :) I know not many like him as much as I do, buyt when I have posted about him a lot of people agreed they liked him too . I am also planning a fanclub listing for Orius the centaur , followed by one for ASLAN . :D...
  3. G

    Your Thoughts on General Otmin and General Orius

    What do you think of Otmin and Orius ? I think they are both so great. My favorite of the two is (shock) General Otmin the minotaur. I know that not many people like him for leading the white witch's army, but maybe after you think about my opinion you'll change your mind and like him a bit...
  4. G


    Has anybody ever heard of the DragonLance books ? hey have been around since the 1980's and have always been published by Wizards of the Coast . I'm reading The Minotraur Wars right now. Faros is sooo HOT for a minotaur , just like Otmin. :D
  5. G

    What do you think of the Fox ?

    I think the Fox is so cute . I hated it when Jadis turned him to stone. :mad: I think he's the coolest " stone victim " in the whole movie besides Tumnus .
  6. G

    How can I write to Douglas Gresham ?

    I'd like to write a letter to Douglas Gresham , the stepson of C.S. Lewis ? I'd like to send a letter to him, but I don't know his mailing address . Does anybody here have it ?
  7. G

    What do you think of Shane Rangi ?

    What d you guys think of Shane Rangi , the handsome guy who plays General Otmin ? I think he's cute . I'd be thrilled if he asked me out on a date . ;) :D
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    Who is you Favorite Beaver ?

    Mine is Mrs. Beaver . Her eyes are so pretty . :)
  9. G

    How obsessed are you with your favorite character(s) ?

    I for one find myself very obsessed with my two favorite characters . As you probebly all know by now , my favorite character ( besides Aslan , of course ;) ) Is General Otmin , the handsome minotaur . I literaly have a whole collection of pictures of him that I have decorated my photo binder...
  10. G

    Question about General Otmin's Voice

    I was just wondering ... is Shane Rangi laso the voice of General Otmin in the movie as well as the actor who plays him on set ? What did they do to his voice to make it sound deeper and more intimidating ?
  11. G

    Who is your Favorite Villain Besides Jadis?

    Who is your favorite villian besides Jadis the white witch ? Mine is General Otmin the minotaur as you may have guessed. I'm also kind of starting to think that Shane Rangi is handsome as well as Otmin ... it's a shame I'm the only Shanenite here . :rolleyes: Oh, well. I still love them both .
  12. G

    What do you love about Aslan ?

    What do you like about Aslan ? I like the fact that he is a wise and magnificent creature that rules Narnia and helps the children become kings and queens . I also admire him for taking Edmond's place at the stone table, which is how he demonstrates love . ;)
  13. G

    Coolest General ?

    Who do you think is the coolest general of the two armies ? General Otmin of the White Witch's army or General Orius of Aslan's army ? I go with Otmin . He is a handsome minotaur played by a handsome actor named Shane Rangi .
  14. G

    What did C.S. Lewis die of ?

    I know he died on the same day President Kennedy was assasinated, but what did he die OF exactly ? Old age ? Sickness ? What was exactly the cause of death ? I'm just wondering .
  15. G

    The Beavers were so cute !

    Did anybody else think the beavers were cute ? Esspecially Mrs. Beaver. She had pretty eyes and a sweet voice. I think they are the cutest thing besides General Otmin. :D
  16. G

    Does anyone have screenshots of General Otmin ?

    Can anyone make or show me screenshots of General Otmin , the handsome minotaur of the witch's army ? I want some pics of him to insert into the banner and avatar I'm making of him. I could not find any pics . Thanks
  17. G

    General Otmin the Minotaur

    Does anybody like Genearl Otmin the Minotaur from the witch's army ? I know you don't see him much , but I think he's the best villian besides Jadis the White Witch . I also have a bit of a crush on him . I think he's very handsome. One of the reasons I like him so much is that he looks like...